Ideas Have Consequences

Trailer: Season Two

Disciple Nations Alliance Season 2

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Thank you for joining us for season two of Ideas Have Consequences. This is an action-oriented podcast where you’ll hear from various biblical worldview teachers, writers, and cultural commentators. Our goal in this podcast is to prepare Christians to understand the true ideas that lead to human flourishing – while fighting against poisonous ideas that can destroy nations.
In season two, we will continue to unpack the predominant ideas shaping our world today. A few guests to look forward to this season include Vishal Mangalwadi, George Barna, Dennis Peacock, Katy Faust, and returning guests Jessica Shakir, Jeff Myers, Krista Bontrager, Monique Duson, and Marvin Olasky. We hope you enjoy the show.
Ideas Have Consequences is the podcast of the Disciple Nations Alliance

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